
Ways on keeping yourself from body odor

In summer, many of us may be troubled by the body odor because we may sweat a lot under high temperature. Don't worry! It is a common problem. We should firstly know why we sweat and then learn about the solutions on Body Care.

Sweating isn't bad for you (unless it's in excess and indicative of a larger problem) so you don't want to eliminate it entirely. Sweating releases toxins in your body, but you can manage your sweating so that it doesn't happen at inappropriate times. A problem is that while sweat itself is virtually odorless, bacteria use it as a breeding ground and multiply rapidly. What you smell is the products related to bacteria breakdown of keratin protein on the surface of your skin.

So, how can we get rid of this embarrassment? Here are the tips.

Body perfume has long been used by many women as well as gentlemen in social occasions. Not only do body sprays provide a pleasant feeling, they also provide the fragrance of your choice. There are body sprays that are infused with ingredients that provide health benefits to the skin. A spray will sooth, nourish, hydrate irritated skin. They are great to use for sun burnt skin. And they have a refreshing herbal scent as well.Using body spray is supposed to be the easiest way to get rid of body odor.

On the other hand, you should also pay attention to our wearings. There are certain synthetic materials that don't breathe very well, unless they've been specifically designed for that purpose (like polyester blends). If you're really worried about body odor wear fabrics like cotton, wool, or silk as they soak up moisture and have better breathe-ability.

By the way, your diet can also make a difference. Some foods and spices may cause bad odors to exude through your pores after you eat them. Every person has their own personal scent, and every race have their own distinct scent, which can be obvious especially to someone who is of a different race. Your body odor may depend then on the kind of food you eat. If you are the type who like to eat spicy food all the time, its residues can come off through sweat and when the bacteria in the skin interacts with it, it may give off an undesirable smell. Sometimes, fatty foods, oils, or strong-smelling foods such as garlic, curry, and onions, can seep through your pores and cause body odor.

Of course,you should keep your body clean. Try to take bath regularly eliminates the bacteria that causes body odor, but you can't just use water. Make sure that you also clean everywhere with soap or an antibacterial detergent. Washing your teeth regularly is also important. After washing your body, choose the right clothes. Only wear natural-fiber clothing like silk or cotton, recommends the Mayo Clinic. The clinic says such fabrics allow for greater breathability and air flow on the skin surface to keep your skin drier and drive away the humidity and moisture in which odor-causing bacteria thrive.

